
Discord Server Released

Matthew B's Profile Image

Matthew B

25th Aug 2023

Discord Server Released's Image

We believe we must stay connected with our community! Hence, we are introducing our own Discord server to assist with public engagement.

During our history as a company, we have almost entirely been working out of the public eye. Therefore, we are taking a step forward by introducing ourselves to the public and providing a platform for members of our community to connect with us.

We are happy to release our Discord server to the public to facilitate public communications!

Discord Server

With the creation of this server, we have been looking to introduce an easy-to-access platform that allows new members to understand D3luxe in a more laid-back environment. We are hoping with a slightly less formal setting for our business communications, we will be able to share additional information (Not fulfilling enough for a website post), whilst allowing members of our community to respond and communicate with the team.


From this point onwards, we will be looking to actively share information and previews of work from D3luxe to the community within this new platform. This information will be displayed through an information category, containing multiple specific text channels serving certain informational sharing purposes. Another important category for us is our communications category, allowing for regular and newer members of our community to communicate both with our team and other members of the community (In a public setting).


In conclusion, this new platform is hopefully a new tool for our team to both share information and communicate with our community. As a note, we will be serving a brief number of informal support requests through our Discord server until our support system has been publicly released. This system is currently in the testing stage with our team hoping this to be published in the near future.

Join Our Discord Server

You can join our Discord server at